Source code for pyisy.isy

"""Module for connecting to and interacting with the ISY."""
import asyncio
import logging
from threading import Thread

from .clock import Clock
from .configuration import Configuration
from .connection import Connection
from .constants import (
from .events.tcpsocket import EventStream
from .events.websocket import WebSocketClient
from .helpers import EventEmitter
from .networking import NetworkResources
from .nodes import Nodes
from .programs import Programs
from .variables import Variables

[docs]class ISY: """ This is the main class that handles interaction with the ISY device. | address: String of the IP address of the ISY device | port: String of the port over which the ISY is serving its API | username: String of the administrator username for the ISY | password: String of the administrator password for the ISY | use_https: [optional] Boolean of whether secured HTTP should be used | tls_ver: [optional] Number indicating the version of TLS encryption to use. Valid options are 1.1 or 1.2. :ivar auto_reconnect: Boolean value that indicates if the class should auto-reconnect to the event stream if the connection is lost. :ivar auto_update: Boolean value that controls the class's subscription to the event stream that allows node, program values to be updated automatically. :ivar connected: Read only boolean value indicating if the class is connected to the controller. :ivar nodes: :class:`pyisy.nodes.Nodes` manager that interacts with Insteon nodes and groups. :ivar programs: Program manager that interacts with ISY programs and i folders. :ivar variables: Variable manager that interacts with ISY variables. """ auto_reconnect = True def __init__( self, address, port, username, password, use_https=False, tls_ver=1.1, webroot="", websession=None, use_websocket=False, ): """Initialize the primary ISY Class.""" self._events = None # create this JIT so no socket reuse self._reconnect_thread = None self._connected = False if not len(_LOGGER.handlers): logging.basicConfig( format=LOG_FORMAT, datefmt=LOG_DATE_FORMAT, level=LOG_LEVEL ) _LOGGER.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.WARNING) self.conn = Connection( address=address, port=port, username=username, password=password, use_https=use_https, tls_ver=tls_ver, webroot=webroot, websession=websession, ) self.websocket = None if use_websocket: self.websocket = WebSocketClient( isy=self, address=address, port=port, username=username, password=password, use_https=use_https, tls_ver=tls_ver, webroot=webroot, websession=websession, ) self.configuration = None self.clock = None self.nodes = None self.programs = None self.variables = None self.networking = None self._hostname = address self.connection_events = EventEmitter() self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
[docs] async def initialize(self): """Initialize the connection with the ISY.""" config_xml = await self.conn.test_connection() self.configuration = Configuration(xml=config_xml) isy_setup_tasks = [ self.conn.get_status(), self.conn.get_time(), self.conn.get_nodes(), self.conn.get_programs(), self.conn.get_variable_defs(), self.conn.get_variables(), ] if self.configuration["Networking Module"]: isy_setup_tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(self.conn.get_network())) isy_setup_results = await asyncio.gather(*isy_setup_tasks) self.clock = Clock(self, xml=isy_setup_results[1]) self.nodes = Nodes(self, xml=isy_setup_results[2]) self.programs = Programs(self, xml=isy_setup_results[3]) self.variables = Variables( self, def_xml=isy_setup_results[4], var_xml=isy_setup_results[5], ) if self.configuration["Networking Module"]: self.networking = NetworkResources(self, xml=isy_setup_results[6]) await self.nodes.update(xml=isy_setup_results[0]) self._connected = True
[docs] async def shutdown(self): """Cleanup connections and prepare for exit.""" if self.websocket is not None: self.websocket.stop() if self._events is not None and self._events.running: self.connection_events.notify(ES_STOP_UPDATES) self._events.running = False await self.conn.close()
@property def connected(self): """Return the status of the connection.""" return self._connected @property def auto_update(self): """Return the auto_update property.""" if self.websocket is not None: return self.websocket.status == ES_CONNECTED if self._events is not None: return self._events.running return False @auto_update.setter def auto_update(self, val): """Set the auto_update property.""" if self.websocket is not None: _LOGGER.warning( "Websockets are enabled. Use isy.websocket.start() or .stop() instead." ) return if val and not self.auto_update: # create new event stream socket self._events = EventStream( self, self.conn.connection_info, self._on_lost_event_stream ) if self._events is not None: self.connection_events.notify(ES_START_UPDATES if val else ES_STOP_UPDATES) self._events.running = val @property def hostname(self): """Return the hostname.""" return self._hostname def _on_lost_event_stream(self): """Handle lost connection to event stream.""" del self._events self._events = None if self.auto_reconnect and self._reconnect_thread is None: # attempt to reconnect self._reconnect_thread = Thread(target=self._auto_reconnecter) self._reconnect_thread.daemon = True self._reconnect_thread.start() def _auto_reconnecter(self): """Auto-reconnect to the event stream.""" while self.auto_reconnect and not self.auto_update: _LOGGER.warning("PyISY attempting stream reconnect.") del self._events self._events = EventStream( self, self.conn.connection_info, self._on_lost_event_stream ) self._events.running = True self.connection_events.notify(ES_RECONNECTING) if not self.auto_update: del self._events self._events = None _LOGGER.warning("PyISY could not reconnect to the event stream.") self.connection_events.notify(ES_RECONNECT_FAILED) else: _LOGGER.warning("PyISY reconnected to the event stream.") self._reconnect_thread = None
[docs] async def query(self, address=None): """Query all the nodes or a specific node if an address is provided . Args: address (string, optional): Node Address to query. Defaults to None. Returns: boolean: Returns `True` on successful command, `False` on error. """ req_path = [URL_QUERY] if address is not None: req_path.append(address) req_url = self.conn.compile_url(req_path) if not await self.conn.request(req_url): _LOGGER.warning("Error performing query.") return False _LOGGER.debug("ISY Query requested successfully.") return True
[docs] async def send_x10_cmd(self, address, cmd): """ Send an X10 command. address: String of X10 device address (Ex: A10) cmd: String of command to execute. Any key of x10_commands can be used """ if cmd in X10_COMMANDS: command = X10_COMMANDS.get(cmd) req_url = self.conn.compile_url([CMD_X10, address, str(command)]) result = await self.conn.request(req_url) if result is not None:"ISY Sent X10 Command: %s To: %s", cmd, address) else: _LOGGER.error("ISY Failed to send X10 Command: %s To: %s", cmd, address)