Source code for pyisy.networking

"""ISY Network Resources Module."""
from asyncio import sleep
from xml.dom import minidom

from .constants import (
from .exceptions import XML_ERRORS, XML_PARSE_ERROR, ISYResponseParseError
from .helpers import value_from_xml

[docs]class NetworkResources: """ Network Resources class cobject. DESCRIPTION: This class handles the ISY networking module. USAGE: This object may be used in a similar way as a dictionary with the either networking command names or ids being used as keys and the ISY networking command class will be returned. EXAMPLE: # a = networking['test function'] # ATTRIBUTES: isy: The ISY device class addresses: List of net command ids nnames: List of net command names nobjs: List of net command objects """
[docs] def __init__(self, isy, xml=None): """ Initialize the network resources class. isy: ISY class xml: String of xml data containing the configuration data """ self.isy = isy self.addresses = [] self.nnames = [] self.nobjs = [] if xml is not None: self.parse(xml)
[docs] def parse(self, xml): """ Parse the xml data. xml: String of the xml data """ try: xmldoc = minidom.parseString(xml) except XML_ERRORS: _LOGGER.error("%s: NetworkResources", XML_PARSE_ERROR) raise ISYResponseParseError(XML_PARSE_ERROR) features = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName(TAG_NET_RULE) for feature in features: address = int(value_from_xml(feature, ATTR_ID)) if address not in self.addresses: nname = value_from_xml(feature, TAG_NAME) nobj = NetworkCommand(self, address) self.addresses.append(address) self.nnames.append(nname) self.nobjs.append(nobj)"ISY Loaded Network Resources Commands")
[docs] async def update(self, wait_time=0): """ Update the contents of the networking class. wait_time: [optional] Amount of seconds to wait before updating """ await sleep(wait_time) xml = await self.isy.conn.get_network() self.parse(xml)
[docs] async def update_threaded(self, interval): """ Continually update the class until it is told to stop. Should be run in a thread. """ while self.isy.auto_update: await self.update(interval)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, val): """Return the item from the collection.""" try: val = int(val) return self.get_by_id(val) except (ValueError, KeyError): return self.get_by_name(val)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, val, value): """Set the item value.""" return None
[docs] def get_by_id(self, val): """ Return command object being given a command id. val: Integer representing command id """ try: ind = self.addresses.index(val) return self.get_by_index(ind) except (ValueError, KeyError): return None
[docs] def get_by_name(self, val): """ Return command object being given a command name. val: String representing command name """ try: ind = self.nnames.index(val) return self.get_by_index(ind) except (ValueError, KeyError): return None
[docs] def get_by_index(self, val): """ Return command object being given a command index. val: Integer representing command index in List """ return self.nobjs[val]
[docs]class NetworkCommand: """ Network Command Class. DESCRIPTION: This class handles individual networking commands. ATTRIBUTES: network_resources: The networkin resources class """
[docs] def __init__(self, network_resources, address): """Initialize network command class. network_resources: NetworkResources class address: Integer of the command id """ self._network_resources = network_resources self.isy = network_resources.isy self._id = address
@property def address(self): """Return the Resource ID for the Network Resource.""" return self._id
[docs] async def run(self): """Execute the networking command.""" req_url = self.isy.conn.compile_url([URL_NETWORK, URL_RESOURCES, str(self._id)]) if not await self.isy.conn.request(req_url, ok404=True): _LOGGER.warning("ISY could not run networking command: %s", str(self._id)) return _LOGGER.debug("ISY ran networking command: %s", str(self._id))