Source code for pyisy.programs.program

"""Representation of a program from the ISY."""
from ..constants import (
from .folder import Folder

[docs]class Program(Folder): """ Class representing a program on the ISY controller. | programs: The program manager object. | address: The ID of the program. | pname: The name of the program. | pstatus: The current status of the program. | plastup: The last time the program was updated. | plastrun: The last time the program was run. | plastfin: The last time the program finished running. | penabled: Boolean value showing if the program is enabled on the controller. | pstartrun: Boolean value showing if the if the program runs on controller start up. | prunning: Boolean value showing if the current program is running on the controller. """ dtype = TAG_PROGRAM
[docs] def __init__( self, programs, address, pname, pstatus, plastup, plastrun, plastfin, penabled, pstartrun, prunning, ): """Initialize a Program class.""" super().__init__(programs, address, pname, pstatus, plastup) self._enabled = penabled self._last_finished = plastfin self._last_run = plastrun self._ran_else = 0 self._ran_then = 0 self._run_at_startup = pstartrun self._running = prunning
@property def enabled(self): """Return if the program is enabled on the controller.""" return self._enabled @enabled.setter def enabled(self, value): """Set if the program is enabled on the controller.""" if self._enabled != value: self._enabled = value return self._enabled @property def last_finished(self): """Return the last time the program finished running.""" return self._last_finished @last_finished.setter def last_finished(self, value): """Set the last time the program finished running.""" if self._last_finished != value: self._last_finished = value return self._last_finished @property def last_run(self): """Return the last time the program was run.""" return self._last_run @last_run.setter def last_run(self, value): """Set the last time the program was run.""" if self._last_run != value: self._last_run = value return self._last_run @property def protocol(self): """Return the protocol for this entity.""" return PROTO_PROGRAM @property def ran_else(self): """Return the Ran Else property for this program.""" return self._ran_else @ran_else.setter def ran_else(self, value): """Set the Ran Else property for this program.""" if self._ran_else != value: self._ran_else = value return self._ran_else @property def ran_then(self): """Return the Ran Then property for this program.""" return self._ran_then @ran_then.setter def ran_then(self, value): """Set the Ran Then property for this program.""" if self._ran_then != value: self._ran_then = value return self._ran_then @property def run_at_startup(self): """Return if the program runs on controller start up.""" return self._run_at_startup @run_at_startup.setter def run_at_startup(self, value): """Set if the program runs on controller start up.""" if self._run_at_startup != value: self._run_at_startup = value return self._run_at_startup @property def running(self): """Return if the current program is running on the controller.""" return self._running @running.setter def running(self, value): """Set if the current program is running on the controller.""" if self._running != value: self._running = value return self._running
[docs] async def update(self, wait_time=UPDATE_INTERVAL, data=None): """ Update the program with values on the controller. | wait_time: [optional] Seconds to wait before updating. | data: [optional] Data to update the object with. """ if data is not None: self._enabled = data["penabled"] self._last_finished = data["plastfin"] self._last_run = data["plastrun"] self._last_update = data["plastup"] self._run_at_startup = data["pstartrun"] self._running = (data["plastrun"] >= data["plastup"]) or data["prunning"] # Update Status last and make sure the change event fires, but only once. if self.status != data["pstatus"]: self.status = data["pstatus"] else: # Status didn't change, but something did, so fire the event. self.status_events.notify(self.status) return await self._programs.update(wait_time, address=self._id)
[docs] async def enable_run_at_startup(self): """Send command to the program to enable it to run at startup.""" return await self.send_cmd(CMD_ENABLE_RUN_AT_STARTUP)
[docs] async def disable_run_at_startup(self): """Send command to the program to enable it to run at startup.""" return await self.send_cmd(CMD_DISABLE_RUN_AT_STARTUP)